Name | Extracted | Size | Date | Description |
24BAR.ZIP | Yes | 1409 | 9/13/1993 | 24BAR is a Basic SUB for printing 3 of 9 bar code on Epson 24 pin printers. |
3D120.ZIP | Yes | 116097 | 9/6/1993 | is a companion to 3DLib. |
3DLIB1.ZIP | Yes | 329614 | 9/6/1993 | 3DLib 1.7 is a Turbo Pascal 3D graphic animation package. It features fast wire-mesh 3D objects with a macro to Pascal language translator, support for TP for DOS and TP for Windows, DOS and windows hosted macro translator and animator, and a new DOS object compiler. |
ARCADE.ZIP | Yes | 386108 | 9/2/1993 | Programming Arcade Games is an interactive tutorial for programming object oriented arcade games in Turbo C. Available only on 1.44MB 3.5" disk or CD only. |
AS01.ZIP | Yes | 66176 | 9/13/1993 | Assembly Source Code Part I (Various Authors; $0) a collection of 37 assembly routines related to memory management, interrupt controllers, window scrollers, text conversion, program loaders, printer conversion and more. |
AVTS13.ZIP | Yes | 362734 | 9/6/1993 | ARIS Version Tracking System 1.3 is a low cost version control/configuration management system. |
BIOASM.ZIP | Yes | 43218 | 9/10/1993 | BIOASM (Thom Bierenbroodspot; $0) allows the calling of DOS and BIOS interrupts directly from FORTRAN. All source code is included. |
BLFMATH.ZIP | Yes | 46389 | 9/13/1993 | BLFMATH (Bryan Flamig; $0) is the complete C++ source code to sample vector and matrix classes. |
BP70LIB.ZIP | Yes | 97667 | 9/22/1993 | BP70 Lib 1.3 (Rockland Software Productions; $27) is a library of routines for Borland Pascal 7.0. Included are routines for dos, mouse, conversions, files, rebooting, text I/O including popup menus and message boxes, sound, joystick, math, grey keys, plus other miscellaneous functions. Requires EGA/CGA/VGA or VESA graphics, 1024x768 256 color monitor and Turbo or Borland Pascal 7.0. |
CENVI.ZIP | Yes | 167245 | 9/9/1993 | CEnvi 1.0 (Brent Noorda; $38) is a simple interpreter that uses C syntax. |
CHKDATE.ZIP | Yes | 1371 | 9/14/1993 | Chkdate (Program One, Inc.; $0) is a C++ function which validates unformatted date strings. |
CL121.ZIP | Yes | 51110 | 9/15/1993 | CodeLister 1.21 (ASP) prints C source code files. |
CLINT161.ZIP | Yes | 175583 | 9/15/1993 | CLINT 1.61 reads C source files and generates reports about possible problems. |
CODEGEN.ZIP | Yes | 58020 | 9/14/1993 | CodeGen (Tri-Power Consultants; $0) is the template source file code generator portion of QuickRez TV Resource Case tool. |
CP1.ZIP | Yes | 124117 | 9/22/1993 | CP1 (Casey Pearson; $0) is a collection of 90 files of C source code and information. |
EMSIF.ZIP | Yes | 68878 | 9/15/1993 | EMSIF 2.42 provides a high-level interface to LIM EMS control functions. |
EXCEPT.ZIP | Yes | 1762 | 9/15/1993 | 80386/i486 Exception Handler 1.01 (JBM; $0) is a device driver which can handle GP faults, invalid opcode faults and stack faults when installed from real-mode. |
FEXPAND.ZIP | Yes | 68889 | 9/15/1993 | File Template Expander (Joe Acunzo; $20) is a library of C-callable functions for expanding wildcard characters in filenames. |
GETBAUD.ZIP | Yes | 1260 | 9/10/1993 | GetBaud (Dave Navarro Jr.; $0) is an assembler routine which gets the baud rate from a specified port. |
GET_VOL.ZIP | Yes | 15148 | 9/21/1993 | Get_Vol.BAS (John De Palma; $0) translates the screen color number obtained with the Microsoft QBASIC SCREEN Function into the two numbers needed by the COLOR Statement which works with any color set. |
GLIDE.ZIP | Yes | 430659 | 9/5/1993 | The Glide 1.00.02 (Russell A. Powell; $52) is an integrated programming development environment. It is fully configurable for any language. Features include mouse support, swapping to EMS, HMA or disk, 25,43, or 50 column video mode support, internal make and link script generator, internal clock, calendar, calculator and more. (2 Disks.) |
GR3D.ZIP | Yes | 23419 | 9/12/1993 | GR3D (Lei Ming; $0) is a set of 3-D graphics units. |
HDK90A.ZIP | Yes | 188689 | 9/8/1993 | Help Development Kit 9.0 creates help files for the Windows Help engine, DESQview/X, QuickHelp, THelp, TVHC, and PopHelp. NEW: support for advanced word processors and automatic group menu generation. Also included is |
ICPY21.ZIP | Yes | 126180 | 9/12/1993 | ImageCopy 2.1 copies diskette images to hard disk where they can be stored and copied to floppies in any quantity. |
IL2HDK.ZIP | Yes | 91993 | 9/8/1993 | IL2HDK 2.1 converts Ralf Brown's interrupt list to the Help Development Kit's HDF format. |
IMPRESS.ZIP | Yes | 153683 | 9/3/1993 | First Impression 2.6 ASP is a toolkit for creating an easy-to-use installation program. |
INSTALL.ZIP | Yes | 12390 | 9/10/1993 | Install 3.0 (Kenneth W. Illig; $0) is a simple software installation program. |
INT70.ZIP | Yes | 9217 | 9/10/1993 | INT70 (Thiadmer Riemersma; $0) demonstrates the use of the Real Time Clock interrupt in assembly language. |
KWTREE.ZIP | Yes | 7467 | 9/13/1993 | Kwtree (Karl Weller; $0) is C source for reading into an array all the directories on a drive. |
LINES.BAS | No | 1404 | 9/21/1993 | Lines is a Basic SUB for connecting upper ASCII lines. |
MERGSORT.ZIP | Yes | 8938 | 9/14/1993 | List-based MergSort Example (Bryan Flamig; $0) is a C++ routine for sorting singly-linked lists using a non-recursive merge sort algorithm. |
MOUSLI.ZIP | Yes | 169749 | 9/5/1993 | MouseLib 8.0 is a Turbo Pascal event driven mouse library. It supports the standard mouse API, plus extensions for event driven programming, support for DPMI mode, text, graphic and true VGA cursor. It also includes DESQview support unit and video hardware support functions. |
NUM_CAP.ZIP | Yes | 10962 | 9/15/1993 | NUM_CAP (Patrick Hung; $0) is C source for toggling Num & Caps Lock. |
OBENG101.ZIP | Yes | 122813 | 9/15/1993 | Object Engine 1.01 is a C++ class library that encapsulates the core functionality of the Paradox Engine database library. |
PBWIZ.ZIP | Yes | 217607 | 9/9/1993 | PowerBasic Wizard's Library 1.8 (Thomas G. Hanlin III; $25) is a library of nearly 325+ routines for PowerBASIC 3.0. |
PGEN_2.ZIP | Yes | 86686 | 9/18/1993 | Parser Generator 2.0 (Keith L. Robertson; $20) is a parser generator for C. |
PPM110.ZIP | Yes | 524065 | 8/17/1993 | Programmer's Project Manager 1.1 allows BASIC programmers to have complete control over a program's development. You can compile, link using multiple libraries, compress the EXE, scan for viruses, date/time stamp, and compress the entire project. Source files can be edited using your own editor or the PPM editor provided. |
PRGMMRS.LET | No | 6909 | 9/27/1993 | PRGMMRS.LET is the November edition of PsL's thoughts for programmers. |
RGB15.ZIP | Yes | 77909 | 9/14/1993 | RGB Color Mixer 1.5 is a color mixer for use with the setrgbpalette() function. |
S3BAS11.ZIP | Yes | 195594 | 9/15/1993 | Low-Level Routines 1.1 is a tutorial for Microsoft BASIC. |
SDT.ZIP | Yes | 353525 | 9/7/1993 | Software Developers Toolkit 1.0 (Vic Williams, ASP; $0-$60) is a set of tools for software development. This toolkit provides a make with backup capability, a makefile builder, a tool to convert standard makefiles to Blinker/plink overlay format, a copy of awk, a basic installer/DOS menu program, and remote support software that you can distribute with your products. It provides development tools, installation capability, and ongoing support/maintenance functions including both user and developer backup capability. |
SOSENG.ZIP | Yes | 16731 | 9/13/1993 | SOS Engine 2.14a is a debugging tool which records low level application activity such as file accesses, reads, writes, memory allocation requests and more. |
SPY_TRAK.ZIP | Yes | 49975 | 9/13/1993 | Spy_Trak (Korvin Communications; $35) is a disassembling and debugging tool. It tracks each operation performed by the program as it is executing, records the status of its registers and flags any errors. |
TP70UTL.ZIP | Yes | 72899 | 9/15/1993 | Turbo Pascal 7.0 Utilities (Pat Ritchey) will take your IDE configuration file (TURBO.TP) and create a configuration file (TPC.CFG) for use with the command line compiler. |
TSRTOOL.ZIP | Yes | 132146 | 9/21/1993 | TSR Toolkit 1.5 is a toolkit for writing TSRs which need DOS access. NEW: support for extended memory access, mouse support, sound and timer support, improved documentation, and more reliable kernels. |
UNST13.ZIP | Yes | 98359 | 8/29/1993 | Universal Install 1.3 (The GoodSoft Co., ASP; $36) is a professional installation package. It can match the look and feel of your own software. It includes an undo installation feature, support for multi-disk copying, external programs, CONFIG and AUTOEXEC modifying, and more. |
VGALIB3.ZIP | Yes | 169789 | 9/15/1993 | VGALIB (John E. Cressman; $40-50) is a library of graphic functions for QuickBasic. These functions can add speed and power to your QB programs. They will only work in the 256-color VGA modes up to 320x480. Demos are included, but locked up one of our test machines. |
XFILED.ZIP | Yes | 47739 | 9/17/1993 | XFILED (Bob Cozzi) demonstrates how to subclass the CFileDialog common dialog box. The derived class in this sample is very similar to the Visual C++ AppWizard dialog box. C++ source code included. |
XLIB10.ZIP | Yes | 46666 | 9/14/1993 | XLib 1.0 (TechniLib; $45) is an assembly language library which can greatly simplify protected-mode programming. It utilizes 32-bit processing. |
XPWNDG.ZIP | Yes | 170451 | 9/15/1993 | TExplodeWindow TExplodeWindow and TExplodeDialog Classes allow you to add exploding windows and dialog boxes to applications. Both classes are fully streamable and can reside in a resource file until needed. Source is included. |